About Us

The Scam Report team is a dedicated group of consumer advocates, volunteers, and industry experts whose primary mission is to protect you from scammers.

Who We Are

What started as a passion project for one couple quickly evolved into a premier consumer protection website. Initially, Scam Report concentrated on guiding users away from the prevalent and severe frauds in the credit relief market, a sector rife with scams, fraud, and theft.

With a successful background in consumer advice within the Credit Repair industry, our team recognized the need to address scams in the broader personal loan market as well. This discovery led us to encounter numerous scams impacting various parts of the marketplace.

Consequently, we expanded our focus to include America’s most frequently scammed consumer sectors, particularly those involving Investment Opportunities, Business Opportunities, and Dietary Supplements.

Thus, Scam Report was established – and it’s here to fight for you!